4 Possible Reasons for Jaw Pain in San Marco
February 20, 2020
Have you had a hard time eating and speaking lately due to constant discomfort? Jaw pain in San Marco can be extremely disruptive and prevent you from living a full life, and you’ll definitely want to have it treated before it gets worse. But what caused the pain in the first place? There are many different factors – such as the sinuses, the teeth, and the actual jaw – that could contribute to the condition, and it can sometimes be difficult to narrow down the exact cause. Here are just 4 possible reasons behind the constant discomfort in your jaw.
1. TMJ and Muscle Disorder
Most jaw pain is caused by a TMJ disorder. TMJ stands for “temporomandibular joint”; you have one TMJ on either side of your head (just in front of the ear) that connects the mandible to the rest of the skull. You’re very likely to experience significant pain if there’s some kind of problem with your TMJ. This can include an injury to the joint or the nearby muscles, excessive tension, a displaced disc (which would normally serve as a cushion whenever you move your mouth), and arthritis. You might also damage your TMJ if you grind or clench your teeth at night. Fortunately, a dentist in San Marco can help relieve your TMJ disorder with an occlusal splint or another facial pain treatment.
2. Tooth Pain
Untreated tooth decay will eventually reach the point of dental abscess. Pus collects inside the tooth and leads to a toothache. However, the pain won’t be contained to the tooth itself; the infection will eventually spread to the jaw, leading to further discomfort. Obviously, in this situation you’ll want to visit your dentist so that they can perform root canal therapy or an extraction to stop the damage from getting any worse.
3. Sinus Problems
Because the sinus cavity is so close to the jaw joint, a problem in one can easily affect the other. When the sinuses become infected, there tends to be a buildup of mucus. The additional pressure can easily lead to jaw discomfort. Obviously, the best way to handle this type of jaw pain is to have the infection examined and treated appropriately.
4. Cluster Headaches
When you suffer from multiple headaches in rapid succession, the pain normally occurs behind or around the eyes. However, it might also reach the jaw under the right circumstances. In most cases, both forms of discomfort can be lessened with pain medication.
You may not be able to distinguish between the different types of jaw pain on your own, which is why you should seek out a more precise diagnosis. Once the cause has been identified, you can look forward to finding relief in the near future!
About the Author
Dr. Sol G. Brotman has lectured to national meetings on Facial Pain, and has taught at Dental School Facial Pain Centers since 1993. He has extensive training in treating TMJ disorders with occlusal splints and other conservative, reversible treatments. His Jacksonville practice can also help address the pain caused by tooth infections. To schedule an appointment, visit his website or call (904) 396-4091.
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